We want to ensure that every customer is completely satisfied with their purchase. We know that sometimes products can have unexpected issues, or sometimes the animal may switch off of different types of feed for a variety of reasons. We accept returns on most of our products as long as they conform to this return policy.
Items that are non-returnable:
Rubber (Stall) Mats
Live Animals
Needles & Syringes
Frontline & Advantage flea control products
Returns are accepted at the discretion of Kruse Feed & Supply staff and drivers and depends on how much of the product has been used and the condition of the product. Faulty or malfunctioning items can be returned based on the warrantee of the manufacturer.
Return of feed/food and hay is limited to 60 days from time of purchase (30 days for items with molasses in them).
Return of baled hay may be subject to partial credit depending on the amount of hay left. Mold and bad feed caused by improper storage at the customers site will not be returned for credit. It is the customers responsibility to store feed items appropriately in a cool and dry place.
All items must be returned to obtain credit. Do not throw items away unless you are directed to by store staff.
Items returned will be credited back to the same card used to purchase the item originally. Account credit may be given if card information can not be accessed.